Saturday, February 17, 2007

Policy Governance - Dr .Richard Biery's Checklist for PG Implementation

A Checklist for Determining the Extent Policy Governance® is Being Used By a Board

Richard M. Biery, M.D., 2002

  1. A board policy manual that deals at least with means (the three areas of board means, governance process, board-CEO linkage, and organizational means), including the monitoring report schedule, and policies are structured correctly within the manual.
  2. An interim End policy is at least done, or (better) formally developed Ends policies are in the manual and being monitored.
  3. The process for connecting with owners, (including a definition of owners), is established for each annual board cycle.
  4. Monitoring is being done;
    1. There are monitoring reports being submitted and recorded as recognized by the board.
    2. The monitoring reports meet the criteria of a good monitoring report.
  5. Ends-related education (expert and staff) for the board is planned as part of the annual board cycle.
  6. A governance budget for the board is in place and is identifiable.
  7. There exists a means to insure continuity of quality governance, (e.g., through a governance and nominating committee).
    1. Criteria for nominees,
    2. New members education strategy,
    3. Board continuing education in governance.
  8. An on-going method exists for board self-assessment, (preferably at each board meeting).
  9. CEO evaluation is based on compliance with written policies, i.e., has the board kept its word?
  10. There is an external audit that provides the board with assessment of organizational compliance with board policy as well as audited statements, (and an external auditor that is board selected).
  11. The by-laws comport with Policy Governance.

Note that there are no structural tests here. Certain structural principles are important for good governance, but are not, per se, part of Policy Governance; these might include sufficient (or all) outside independent board members, the chair should be an independent member, size, etc.